Do you have a dental practice and dread reviewing your electricity statement every time it arrives? Are you currently overpaying and wish that you could decrease it?
There is an easy, simple, painless, and worry-free solution to shrinking the costs of that PG&E electrical bill!
It takes a lot of power to operate the various electric equipment that you use daily in your dental office. You can save money and protect the environment at the same time with the Sun’s energy. It’s free and shines almost every day in California. Why not eliminate your carbon footprint by using this available resource.
Best of all, going solar for your dental office saves you money both now and in the future. There are numerous reasons and benefits why solar should be one of the first steps in reducing your operating costs.
Saving Money With Solar
Before you start the solar process, figuring out the amount of energy you use is a helpful factor in determining how much money you will save. A detailed analysis will determine your power consumption and our DC Solar Electric team is here to provide you a simple explanation.
When you install a solar system, you generate free power for the entire lifecycle of your system. Most systems last 25 years. If you don’t use up all the energy you consume each month, your electrical bill will start to decrease, which will add a smile to your face when your electrical bill arrives.
To break it down on how much electricity costs, take a closer look below.
In 2012 PG&E Cost was $4,015,00
In 2020 PG&E Cost was $7,030,00
That’s about a 44% increase. Yikes! That’s a very significant increase!
We’ve Got HUGE Savings Waiting For You!
Are you ready to get a detailed look at how much energy your business consumes and how much you can save with solar? It’s time to get your PG&E Bill ready for review! Schedule your energy audit with us today!