The Top 3 Things To Know So You Are Not Fooled By PG&E’s Time-of-Use Peak Pricing Plans

Are you feeling slightly confused about PG&E’s changing Time-of-Use plans?  If you have solar, now is the time to be proactive or your rate plan may be automatically changed. We’re here to tell you how to mitigate the rising cost of electricity and protect your household or business during the changing specifications for Time-of-Use plans over the next two years and beyond.  Read on to find three simple solutions to help you deal with these increasing PG&E rate plans.


  1. Pay close attention to these messages from PG&E! No matter how confusing the letter, email or online article about these changing rates may be, don’t be bamboozled by PG&E. Time-of-Use plans will be automatically switched over to the more expensive EM-TOU plans on your January 2023 billing statement- unless you opt to keep your current plan (this is key!).
  2. If you have solar, avoid all new Time-of-Use plans and make sure you keep your existing plan. The rate plans may be confusing, but you will want to avoid the EM-TOU rates by securing your current rate plan. If you have any questions about this, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team!
  3. Educate yourself. Be on the lookout for messages about PG&E, check your account online, and know the upcoming deadlines so that you can prevent being forced into a higher rate plan.

Rising rate plans in California are no joke.  At DC Solar Electric we stay current on the rate changes so that we can best serve our customers.  Contact our team today for more information- we are your local experts with all things solar.

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