
Curved and tall business building.

Maximizing Solar Investment: Tips for Businesses

As businesses increasingly adopt solar energy, they embrace sustainability while reaping financial benefits. Solar installations are not only environmentally friendly but also offer significant economic advantages. Keep reading to learn more about how to maximize your solar investment. Understanding Solar Investment Solar investment involves businesses’ financial commitment to installing solar energy systems to generate electricity. […]

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Solar powered grid

Everything You Need to Know About NEM 3.0

California regulators are cutting payments granted to solar customers for the excess power they generate and instead passing the savings onto PG&E. In a unanimous decision, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has voted to pass NEM 3.0. This decision affects customers of PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE. Customers with solar systems will receive roughly 8

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You’re Not Alone In Your Concerns With High PG&E Bills; Rocklin Officials Are Too

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DC Solar Electric Announces Notice To Proceed at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park

DC Solar Electric Announces Notice To Proceed at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park Contracted with first California State Park to go Solar NEVADA COUNTY, CA – June 28, 2019 – DC Solar Electric Inc., your second-generation family company solar solution partner in Northern California, is pleased to announce a landmark project in Nevada County.  The

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