Beat the Outages, Go Solar This Fall

Learning to be Self-Sufficient in Times of Inconsistent Power

Last Fall businesses and homeowners everywhere quickly learned how critical a consistent and dedicated power source was. October brought sudden power outages that crippled the supply chain for backup power solutions, leaving many to settle for short-lived and limited solutions like generators. The costly loss of goods and man-hours hurt businesses and homeowners alike. But there are much better ways to get ahead of this issue than scrambling each time your business’ utility is being threatened to be turned off. And as PG&E has let the public know power outages are here for the next decade, it is only prudent for businesses to consider all of their options.

Solar can keep you powered during outages and save money

How We Can Solve the Power Outage Dilemma

Businesses in Yuba and Sutter County can have a trusted partner DC Solar Electric. We’ve helped a wide range of local businesses from agriculture to schools save money and be empowered with solar solutions. And while installing solar can save years of bills, it only takes days or weeks to complete, depending on the size of the project. Using solar also firmly demonstrates your commitment to your community as a producer of clean energy. Your ability to stand out from your competitors just got easier. 

Financial Saving of Switching to Solar

Making the move to producing your own electricity with solar saves you from being at the whim of the electricity market. You will no longer face rising utility bills with no end in sight, eating into your profits. Changing to solar ensures projecting your electricity usage costs for the year is predictable and easy to forecast. And just think, once your business has produced its own energy, any excess generated is required to be credited by the utility company. Your utility company just became another dedicated customer.


Interested in solar for your home or business?